Fish Suppers? In a Library?

Ratho Library 1

Fish Suppers? In a Library? Well yes. That was the invitation from dynamic Diane Yule of Ratho library near Edinburgh Scotland.  I was asked to join the ladies (and gentleman) of the ‘Book and a Blether’  group who regularly meet for a fish supper followed by a talk or a discussion about a book. This week the ‘event’ was me coming to talk about my bestselling novel, ‘Our Best Attention’. After the consumption of the fishy feast, some others joined us and I did my usual thing. This time it was enlivened by the contributions of a local lady who had brought along some memorabilia of a certain posh Edinburgh department store.

The evening went with a swing and I left feeling very optimistic about the future of libraries. If they are all such cheerful and busy parts of the community their days are not over. Phew!

Our Best Attention in Fife!

Fife Farm Women 1

The Fife Farm Women’s Club: did you ever see a picture of such a cheerful group of ladies? I actually wanted to take this picture to try to capture the lovely, friendly, happy atmosphere in the room. My photography skills are vestigial, to say the least, and the ladies to one side of the room couldn’t fit in to the picture.  It was very encouraging to see such a good turn out at this time of year. Several apologies had been  given by members too busy with lambing to attend this month but others had come from near and far.

I talked as usual about my book “Our Best Attention” and we had plenty of laughs throughout the course of the evening. I have to say that this has been my experience at all of the author events I’ve been involved with. There’s something about ladies/women coming together to share a good blether with a visiting speaker as a pretext. This sort of thing goes quietly on all over the country and is never remarked upon. Well I’m remarking. Its time that the general sense of well being generated by such events is recognised and celebrated. Thank you ladies. I’m looking forward to next week’s events- Howgate WI and the Gransnet conference here I come.

Our Best Attention- Bestseller!

Hunter at Blackwells

A young fan indicates his favourite book!

It is absolutely incredible to me that my little book, ‘Our Best Attention,’ about the people who work and shop in an old fashioned Edinburgh department store in the 1970s should be a Scottish bestseller!  Yet it is. It still is now three months after its launch. We’re just about to go into its third reprint. A big thanks to all the readers who have made this possible and whose continuing interest spurs me on to complete Book 2.

Anyone wanting a copy is particularly advised to buy it from Blackwells Bookshop whose  interest and support has been much appreciated. ‘Our Best Attention’ can, of course, be obtained via any good bookshop, directly from  the wonderful Comely Bank Publishing  or from Amazon.