Back to Work!

Back to reality after the Summer off recuperating from knee replacement number two. I’ve not been idle though.  The People’s Friend have bought several more stories including ones about Murrays Department store of distinction. A new story was out last week. It was about a bus. Bit of a change for me.  In a forthcoming edition my current favourite character Mickey Bligh, the very honest 10 year old boy, goes to a wedding. Other guests and especially the bride probably wish he hadn’t! I did enjoy writing a child’s eye view of such an occasion. Out of the mouths etc!

I’m all ready for my various engagements over the coming Autumn and Spring. Few groups of ladies will be spared the sight of me and my presentations over the months to come. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all.

All Change?

People's Friend June 18

‘All Change!’ is the title of my latest story published in the People’s Friend yesterday. Its about a whole lot of changes going on at Murrays Department Store of distinction set in Edinburgh in the 1990s.

Its also applicable to my own situation right now in the second decade of the 2000s : I’m having another total knee replacement next week so am expecting a rather immobile Summer. However, judging by my appointments diary I’m in for a very busy time in the Autumn of this year and the Spring of next. Its most gratifying to find how interested people seem to be in our old department stores. Its certainly given me a lot to look forward to on recovery.

Meanwhile there are so many books to be read -or stories to write…?

On Sequels and Short Stories

books and mags

Its the characters innit? Sometimes a person or group of people come to life from the keyboard and demand more. Sometimes a set of characters can demand another book as in ‘Assured Attention’ the follow up to best selling ‘Our Best Attention’. Murrays, department store of distinction, simply couldn’t be shut down. Luckily, the books’ format of linked short stories meant that they could be read in any order. Basically, they consist of what amounts to 33 short stories some longer than others. Some characters run throughout the series of stories some don’t.

Writing short stories is an art. Its a discipline. They have to have a beginning, a middle and an end. There has to be internal coherence. Additionally, there has to be something else. Something intangible called satisfaction. The reader has to think ‘ah yes’ at the end.

Short stories are often a useful lead in to writing longer books but are valuable in themselves. Feedback from readers of my books so far often includes how much people like the format: they can read a chapter on the bus, or at night and don’t have to worry about ‘losing the thread’ of a longer narrative. They can be addictive too. One reader told me that she stayed awake all night just reading one more then another and by 6 am the book was finished- and so was she!

Magazines like the People’s Friend know the value of short stories and publish many of them every week as well as three weekly ‘specials’ and pocket novels. 200,000+ weekly readers around the world can’t be wrong! Luckily, I enjoy writing short stories for them and mine have included topics as disparate as call centres, grumpy policemen and gallus grans among many others. As ever, its the characters innit!


New Year, New Horizons…


There was a busy Autumn session including a presentation on ‘Disappeared Department Stores’ at ‘Previously- Scotland’s History festival’, Loanhead’s wonderful new library, Stockbridge’s wonderful old library, Barnton and Cramond Community club and a double page feature in the Sunday Post.  I’m just about ready to face 2018!

There’s a new Murrays story in the People’s Friend January Special out on 24th January and two more submitted. Fingers crossed.

Changing direction slightly, I’m now working on a detective story featuring a recently demoted female detective constable. Its set in the West Highlands and I’m hoping it’ll be as much fun to read as it is to write!


A Busy Autumn in Prospect

e014f6ad5d46f48264e0f7e990f72caa--fall-coloring-pages-coloring-sheetsWell the Autumn session of talks and events has kicked off in style. A cheerful evening at Juniper Green WI set the scene. Lots of nice ladies with happy memories of the old stores.

To Morningside next week for another talk then a session at the Portobello Book Festival in their historic fiction slot the following weekend. Its all go.

Meanwhile People’s Friend have published another of my stories. U3A keeps me busy in various groups and, in my other life, I still run my groups for late diagnosed men and women with Asperger Syndrome.

…and we’re off!

Book Launch 2‘Assured Attention,’  book 2 in the series about a large Edinburgh department store now moving into the 1980s, was launched on Monday 31st July at Blackwell’s Bookshop, South Bridge, Edinburgh.

An attentive audience appeared to enjoy the interview of the author carried out by Gordon Lawrie from Comely Bank Publishing and came up with some interesting and challenging questions of their own!

Not least among these was which person would Jane Tulloch choose to read the books for audio recording. Hard to say. There are male and female voices required. Jane’s choice of Judi Dench was purely a default selection. Perhaps?  Hannah Gordon might have been best? Food for thought anyway.

It was a very friendly evening all round. Blackwells, as ever, did us proud.

Assured Attention- (to animals!)

The attentive reader will have noted that the first book in this series: ‘Our Best Attention’ featured a variety of animals: an embarrassing dog, a quiet cat, some cheeky monkeys (always the best!), chinchillas, quail and a Mynah bird. The little monkey draped over the title was a clue to the inclusion of animals.

In Book 2 ‘Assured Attention’, there are cats again, one, Bluebell, is Miss Murray’s own pet but a new visitor to Murrays ‘Department Store of Distinction’ has a chapter of her own.  This time it is she who adorns the title of the new book. Look out for the little Birman. Not all the staff at Murrays will have only two legs by the end of the book.

A dog features too. This time a rather depressed collie. Sad you might think,  however, he has a starring and unexpected role in a staff selection dilemma. Warning- its not what you might expect!

‘Assured Attention’ is available for pre order on Amazon Kindle and will be released to coincide with the official launch on 31st July.

I’m Back!

Well its been a long winter for me and my knee. Thankfully, things are improving and I’m now out and about again. In fact I think I’m back in a big way. My latest book ‘Assured Attention,’ a sequel to ‘Our Best Attention’ is almost ready for publication. There have been sneak previews on Facebook and Twitter. The People’s Friend have published five stories, some of which are set in Murrays (department store of distinction,) others are in more diverse settings including a call centre, a sports centre and a school.  More are to follow. My hibernation has been productive.

Requests for talks and author events are coming in a steady stream and already the diary is filling up. Fine by me. I always enjoy these events and love hearing people’s reminiscences of departed department stores.

Meanwhile Africa is calling …

Back to Work!

stock-illustration-50715032-woman-back-office-work-monitor-drawingWell the Summer break is over. Fun was duly had by all. Blackwell’s ‘Writers at the Fringe’ event went well. Time to get back to work. There’s lots to do. I started last week at the Kinross Thursday group and the Westwoods Book Group. Enjoyable evenings, interesting ladies to speak to and some great questions posed. Just what I like. Luckily, there seems to be more of these events lined up over the coming months. Bring it on.

Otherwise I’ve got lots of writing to do. Book 2 has been submitted to the publisher-Comely Bank Publishing- and I expect to be doing my ‘corrections’ as they emerge from the copy editing and proof reading stages. Then there will be cover design to think about and all the various aspects of book production that readers don’t think about. I know I never did until  my best selling novel ‘Our Best Attention.’

My other writing has been short stories for a certain ladies weekly story magazine published in Scotland. Guess which one? This has been a most enjoyable foray away from Murrays although the popular ‘Tea room ladies’ feature in two of them. I couldn’t help myself!

Next outing is as part of the ‘Edinburgh Tales’ series at the Edinburgh Central Library on 21st September.  I’ll be talking about the book but also remembering the wonderful department store which was the inspiration for the setting of ‘Our Best Attention.’ Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look on it all the tickets were snapped up weeks ago.

A Look to the Future?

BinocularsIts all go at Murray’s -department store of distinction. Book 2 is well under way. For readers keen to find out how our various friends among the staff and customers are getting on here’s a wee peep into the future.

Miss Murray and Mrs Pegram go on holiday: will it turn out to be a busman’s one?  Difficult  Mr Da Costa from Model Gowns finds a fine romance. The Tea Room ladies get up to more (barely legal) tricks and Barry Hughes, head of security, continues much as usual and struggles to get to the bottom of another crime potentially affecting the entire future of the shop.

Some new characters turn up in different departments and we meet the first winner of the “Margaret Murray Prize for Staff Initiative.” There’s an afternoon at the staff garden party at Rosehill and a few surprising arrivals- not all two legged ones.

The store itself is under scrutiny by a documentary crew. The final outcome is a surprise for someone: Murrays serves a good helping of ‘come uppance’ for one deserving person.

Until Book 2 is published there will be the occasional short story here to keep people up to date with developments in the best store in Edinburgh.